كتاب مصطلحات دين وعقيدة مترجمة
تحميل كتاب مصطلحات دين وعقيدة مترجمة pdf 2014م - 1443هـ يشمل هذا الكتاب جميع مصطلحات الدين والعقيدة المترجمة نبذة من الكتاب : RELIGION AND BELIEF ** ** ** Islam: : a bearer of glad tidings and a warner a civil marriage contract a company of Jinns a humiliating punishment a vicegerent on earth ablution –– abomination –– abstain from food and drink abundance of wealth and sons adopt Islam – adulterer – Al-Aqsa Mosque Allah hears and sees all things Allah is free of all wants, worthy of all praise Allah merges night into day an arrogant transgressor ancestral customs Ancient House – ascension ascetic – asceticism – atheism –– be grateful for Allah’s favors be lead astray by Satan be lead by arrogance be stoned belie religion .
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