قراءة كتاب 11 Pedodontics مجموعه مؤلفين أون لاين

كتاب 11 Pedodontics لـ مجموعه مؤلفين

قراءة كتاب 11 Pedodontics

المؤلف : مجموعه مؤلفين
القسم : صحة وطب
الفئة : طب الأسنان
اللغة : العربية
عدد الصفحات : 35
تاريخ الإصدار : غير معروف
حجم الكتاب : 14.4 ميجا
نوع الملف : PDF
عدد التحميلات : 274 مره
تريد المساعدة ! : هل تواجه مشكله ؟
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تحميل كتاب 11 Pedodontics pdf 11.Pedodontics 1.  BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT(WR IGHT 1975)-IS DEFINED AS THE MEANS BY WHICH THE DENTAL HEALTH TEAM EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY PERFORMS DENTAL TREATMENT AND THEREBY INSTILLS A POSITIVE DENTAL ATTITUDE. 2.  PARENTAL ANXIETY-maternal anxiety and child’s co operative behaviour at the first dental visit has significant corelation.it is because of child parent symbiosis that begins in infancy and gradually diminishes.  The effect is greatest with those younger than 4yr of age.  MEDICAL EXPERIENCES-  children who view medical experiences positively are more likely to be co-operative.  Surgical experiences adversely influence behaviour at the first dental visit. 3.  RATING1:DEFINITELY NEGATIVE-complete refusal of treatment,forceful crying,fearfulness  RATING2:NEGATIVE-uncooperativeness,some evidance of negative attitude but not pronounced  RATING3:POSITIVE-acceptance of treatment,cautious behaviour,is cooperative but may become uncooperative once treatment starts.  RATING4:DEFINITELY POSITIVE-good rapport with dentist,interested in dental procedure 4.  1)COMMUNICATION  2)BEHAVIOUR SHAPING  -DESENSITIZATION  -MODELLING  -CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT  3)BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT  -AUDIO ANALGESIA  -BIOFEEDBACK 5.  -VOICE CONTROL  -HYPNOSIS  -HUMOR  -COPING  -RELAXATION  -AVERSIVE CONDITIONING 6.  The means by which the dentist gets his point across,making himself understood by use of words or expressions. 7.  TYPES OF COMMUNICATION--  1)VERBAL COMMUNICATION(SPEECH)  2)NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION which includes-body language,eye contact,showing concern,smiling,giving a hug or a pat 8.  Communication should be comfortable and relaxed sitting and speaking at the eye level allows a friendlier atmosphere.address him by his name compliment him about his appearance.Ask questions about his class his likes/dislikes. 9.  Use of euphemisms-euphemism are substitute words which can .

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