قراءة كتاب Equine Locomotion Second Edition 2013
المؤلف : | مجموعه مؤلفين |
القسم : | صحة وطب |
الفئة : | طب بيطرى |
اللغة : | العربية |
عدد الصفحات : | 527 |
تاريخ الإصدار : | غير معروف |
حجم الكتاب : | 80.8 ميجا |
نوع الملف : | |
عدد التحميلات : | 256 مره |
تريد المساعدة ! : | هل تواجه مشكله ؟ |
تحميل كتاب Equine Locomotion Second Edition 2013 pdf Equine Locomotion, Second Edition (2013) من كتب طب بيطرى ts History of Locomotor System- van Weeren - from gait to performance labs (Denoix/Dyson, McIlwraith/Stover, Lekeux/Marlin) - development of the professionals themselves- Loomans Measurement Techniques for Gait Analysis- Clayton - Treadmill / Force plate- Weishaupt - High speed camera / video- Wilson - Inertial systems for kinematic analysis- Clayton - Ultrasonic systems for kinematic analysis- Denoix - Pressure mats hoof, saddle- van Heel / de Cocq - Application of different types of transducers- Davies, Thomason - Clinical instruments: flexometer etc. Signal=Waveform/ Statistical analysis of Biomechanical Data - Burn (Keegan / Peham) – new chapter The Neurobiology of Locomotor Development- Bowker - EMG: Wijnberg (Nollet / Spadiavecchia) Inter-limb Coordination- Collins Intra forelimb Coordination- Clayton - Chateau - chapter above and below: separate chapters in new edition Intra hind limb Coordination- Clayton The Role of the Hoof and Shoeing- Van Heel (Back) - Natural/barefoot/physiological foot and trim – Bowker Gait Adaptation in Lameness- Keegan - Evidence for Prepurchase- Sloet / Dyson - Validity of Imaging techs- Schramme - Ataxia quantification- Licka The Neck and Back- Haussler The Effects of Conformation- Crevier (/ Weeren – EVJ Special Edition) Genetics- Back - Equine Genome Scan- Binns (Bailey / Barrey ) - Breed differences: WB/CB/Arab / TB/SB/QH- Rosie -new chapter - Outcome of epidemiological studie-: Ducro & Arendonk / WUR Exercise Effects on the Skeletal Tissues- Back - Bone- Rogers / Firth // Stover - Cartilage- Brommer // McIlwraith/Kawcak/Frisbie - Tendon- Goodship / Smith - Muscle- Valberg // Wijnberg Performance in Equestrian Sports- Clayton - Dressage- Clayton - Jumping- Weeren (Santamaria) Horse rider interaction- van Weeren - Ergonomics- Gomez (Weishaupt, Johnston/Roepstorff, Weeren) - Saddle- de Cocq - Bit, rein tension- Clayton - new chapter - Rider kinematics and EMG- Clayton Locomotor Behaviour & Welfare- Dierendonck - new chapter Rehabilitation- Stubbs - new chapter Metabolic Energetics of Locomotion- Marlin (Lekeux) Mechanics Analysis of Locomotion (Scaled, Modelling)- vd Bogert (Bobbert, van Leeuwen, Wilson) Motion capture and animatio- Clayton/Kaiser/Malinowski - new chapter .
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